Sunday, August 6, 2023

Lets NgeFly with EkoWanToFlyEmirates

 Hello we are EkoWanToFly Company. We are based on Indonesia, we want to make your NgeFly experience more comfortable and more higher than you ever be. We have 2 Airbus A380, 2 Boeing 747, 15 Boeing 777 and 5 ATR 72. we have 100% succes rate because we never fly. Our priority is:

1. Our pilot safety

Why? Because we dont want to spend any nore money except for our plane maintenance and give you freshly cooked food.

2. You/Passanger

You might say Passanger is a King/Queen but our employee is your god because with out them you can't travel very far or you might crashed some where we don't know, and we won't spend any money to find "your dead body". We will just spend money to find and recover the debris of our plane.

3. Our Plane safety

Our plane safety is important why? So you don't experience any terrorizing experience.

We Also Post About Football


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